Flip flop circuit is made by using 2 Transistor, in our circuit Q2&Q3. In a flip-flop circuit, at a time only one transistor conduct and other cut off and when it gets a trigger pulse from outside source then first transistor is cutoff and 2nd transistor conducts. Thus output of transistor is either logic-0 or logic-1 and it remains in one state 0 or 1 until it gets trigger pulse from outer source.
The pulse of clap which is a trigger for flip-flop which makes changes to the output which is complementary (reverse). Output of flip-flop which is in the low current form is unable to drive relay directly so we have used a current amplifier circuit by using Q4 which is a common emitter circuit. Output of Q4 is connected to a Relay (Electromagnetic switch) which works like a mechanical switch and it becomes easy for connecting other electrical appliance.
The relay contact is connected to the power line and hence turns on/off any electrical appliance connected all the way through relay.
Circuit Diagram of Clap Switch

Part List:
R1= 15KΩ,R5,R6= 1.5KΩ
R2,R11,R12= 2.2MΩ,R13= 2.2KΩ
R3= 270KΩ,R4= 3.3KΩ
R7,R8= 10KΩ,R9,R10= 27KΩ
Q1,Q2,Q3= BC548
D2,D3,D4= IN 4148
D1,D5= IN 4007,Q4= BC368
T1= 12v/500mA Transformer
Mic= Condenser Microphone
K1= 12V Relay,B1= Bulb or Load
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